Sonntag, 13. September 2015

Meersalz-Schokoladen Macarons - Sea Salt Chocolate Macarons

Anmerkung: Macarons


• 1 cup (100gr) almond flour
• 1 cup (130gr) powdered sugar
• 2 tablespoons (10gr) natural cocoa powder
• 2 large egg whites (65-70gr), at room temperature
• ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
• 2 tablespoons sugar
• 1 teaspoon coarse sea salt
For Chocolate Ganache
• 1/3 cup (60gr) semi sweet chocolate chips
• 3 tablespoons heavy cream
• 2 tablespoons Nutella
• 1 tablespoon Kahlua, optional


Sea Salt Chocolate Macarons

These chocolate macarons sprinkled with coarse sea salt are ultimate heaven for chocoholics!
1. In a medium bowl, sift together almond flour, powdered sugar and cocoa powder twice. Set aside.
2. In a large mixing bowl with whisk attachment, beat the egg whites on medium speed until foamy. Add cream of tartar and continue to beat. Slowly add sugar one tablespoon at a time. Increase the speed to medium high and beat until hard peaks form.
3. Sift the almond flour mixture over the whipped egg whites. Gently fold the mixture running the spatula clockwise from the bottom, up around the sides and cut the batter in half. The batter will look very thick at first, but it will get thinner as you fold. Be careful not to over mix it though. Every so often test the batter to see if it reached the right consistency. To test the batter, drop a small amount of the batter and count to ten. If the edges of the ribbon are dissolved within ten seconds, then the batter is ready. I repeat, do NOT mix again. If you still see edges, fold the batter couple more times and test again. This step is so crucial, so please make sure to test often to ensure not to over mix the batter.
4. Transfer the batter into a pastry bag with a round tip.
5. Pipe out 1.5-inch rounds about an inch apart on two baking sheets lined with parchment paper, or silicone mat. You should get about 42 shells. Tap the baking sheets firmly on the counter a few times to get rid of any air bubbles. If you don’t release the air bubbles, they will expand during baking and crack the beautiful macarons shells.
6. Let the macarons rest and dry for 15-30 minutes. On a humid day, it might take an hour or so. To see if it’s ready to be baked, lightly touch it. If the batter doesn’t stick to your finger, then it’s ready. Sprinkle a little bit of sea salt on each macaron right before baking. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C).
7. Bake the macarons for 18-20 minutes. To check the doneness, remove one macaron. If the bottom does not stick, they are done.
8. Transfer to wire rack to cool for 15 minutes, and then remove from the baking sheets.
9. While macarons are drying, prepare the ganache filling. Heat the heavy cream in the microwave for a minute. In a medium bowl, put the chocolate chips and pour hot cream over the chocolate. Let it stand for a minute or two and then stir until smooth. Stir in Nutella and Kahlua for flavor. Cool the ganache in the fridge to thicken.
10. Transfer the ganache filling into a pastry bag and fill the macarons.

Pfirsichcupcakes mit Mandelfrosting

Personenanzahl: 6
Quelle: Weightwatchers
Anmerkung: 6 Points


2 Stück Pfirsiche, frisch
1 Stück Hühnerei/er
50 g Zucker
1 Päckchen Vanillezucker
1 Prise(n) Jodsalz
125 g Fettarmer Naturjoghurt (bis 1,8 % Fett)
1 EL Pflanzenöl
120 g Weizenmehl
2 TL Backpulver
1 EL (gehobelt) Mandeln
3 EL Magerquark
4 TL Honig


Backofen auf 180° C (Gas: Stufe 2, Umluft: 160° C) vorheizen. Pfirsiche mit kochendem Wasser überbrühen und häuten. Pfirsiche halbieren, die Steine entfernen und Pfirsichhälften in Würfel schneiden. Ei mit Zucker, Vanillezucker und Salz schaumig schlagen. Joghurt und Öl unterrühren. Mehl mit Backpulver mischen und unterziehen. Pfirsichwürfel unterheben.

Mulden eines Muffinblechs mit Papiermanschetten auskleiden und Teig einfüllen. Im Backofen auf mittlerer Schiene ca. 20–25 Minuten backen. Cupcakes herausnehmen und auskühlen lassen.

Mandelblättchen in einer Pfanne fettfrei goldbraun rösten und zur Seite stellen. Für das Topping Quark mit Honig glatt rühren. Cremefine steif schlagen und unterheben. Masse in einen Spritzbeutel mit Sterntülle füllen. Cupcakes mit Quarkcreme, Mandelblättchen und nach Wunsch mit Pfirsichspalten garniert servieren.

Diese Pfirsichcupcakes sind nicht nur eine leckere Alternative zum Nachmittagskuchen, sondern auch ein echter Hingucker fürs Partybuffet.


Personenanzahl: 40
Anmerkung: Weihnachten


250 g Mehl
150 g Butter
75 g Zucker
3 Eigelb
1 Pk. Vanillezucker
1 TL Backpulver
200 g ungeschälte Mandeln, gemahlen
100 g Zucker
2 TL abgeriebene Orangenschale
Saft von 1-2 Orangen (140 ml)
2 EL Orangenlikör
100 g Puderzucker
2 El. Orangensaft


Knetteig herstellen, über Nacht ruhen lassen.

Zutaten für die Füllung, bis auf 1 Tl Orangenschale, verrühren.

Die Hälfte des Teiges zwischen Pergamentpapier auswellen und mit einem
Karton auf das Backblech (ca. 20 x 30 cm) legen. Dazwischen die Füllung
streichen. Die zweite Hälfte als Deckel drauflegen und einstechen.

Bei 200 GradC / Gas 3 / Umluft 180 GradC 20 -25 Min. backen.

Für die Glasur den Zucker mit Orangensaft- und schale verrühren.

Noch ofenheiss glasieren, in Rauten schneiden und auskühlen


Anmerkung: holländische Rosinen/Korinthen - Krapfen, Spezialität zu Silvester


500 g Mehl
35 g Hefe
25 g Zucker
1 Msp. Salz
½ Liter Milch, lauwarm
200 g Rosinen
100 g Korinthen
1 Apfel
½ Zitrone(n), unbehandelt, etwas Abrieb davon
n. B. Fett zum Frittieren
etwas Puderzucker zum Bestreuen


In einer großen Schüssel die Hefe in etwas lauwarmer Milch auflösen. Mehl, Zucker und das Salz sowie die restliche Milch dazugeben und alles zu einem glatten Teig mit den Knethaken verrühren. Je länger man das macht, desto mehr Luft kommt rein, dann wird alles sehr luftig.

Zum Schluss kommen die in warmen Wasser gewaschenen und gut abgetrockneten Rosinen und Korinthen, (die kann man auch weglassen und dafür dann mehr Rosinen nehmen) die Zitronenschale und der gehobelte Apfel dazu. Es wird ein ziemlich dickflüssiger Teig.

Das Ganze mit einem sauberen Küchenhandtuch abdecken und für ca. 1 Stunde an einem warmen Ort (meine Mama hat es immer vor der Heizung gestellt) gehen lassen. Keine Angst, er geht ziemlich hoch. Achtung, der Teig verträgt keine Zugluft, er schlägt dann wieder nieder. Wir durften früher als Kinder auch nicht rumrennen oder auf den Boden stampfen, weil meine Mutter sagte, dass der Teig dann wieder in sich zusammenfällt (ob das stimmt weiß ich nicht).

Wenn die Stunde vorbei ist, sollte man das Frittierfett erhitzen (nicht dampfend) und taucht zwei Esslöffel kurz ins Fett. Dann mit einem der Löffel eine Portion Teig abstechen, mit dem anderen Löffel schiebt man es dann ins Fett. Man kann mehrere Portionen ins Fett geben (je nach Größe des Topfes, 3 - 4 Stück). Die "Oliebollen" ca. 5 - 6 min. frittieren, auf Küchenkrepp abtropfen lassen und dann mit Puderzucker bestreuen.

In Holland gibt es dieses Gebäck an Silvester und Neujahr. Am besten schmecken sie noch lauwarm aber kalt sind sie auch lecker. Wenn sie älter als 2 Tage sind, kann man sie kurz in der Mikrowelle etwas "auffrischen".
Arbeitszeit: ca. 30 Min.
Ruhezeit: ca. 1 Std.


Anmerkung: 84 Stück


440 g glutenfreie Mehlmischung
2 TL Backpulver
450 g Zucker
600 g kalte Butter
2 EL Magerquark
2 Eier (Größe M)
2 Päckchen Vanillin-Zucker
600 g gemahlene Mandeln
100 g Aprikosen-Konfitüre
100 g Zartbitter-Schokolade
Fett für das Backblech


1. Mehl, Backpulver und 150 g Zucker mischen. 300 g Butter in kleine Würfel schneiden. Quark, Eier und Butter zur Mehlmischung geben und zu einem glatten Teig verkneten. Teig in Folie wickeln und ca. 30 Minuten kalt stellen.
2. Für den Belag 300 g Butter schmelzen. 300 g Zucker, Vanillin-Zucker, 6 EL Wasser und Mandeln unterrühren. Mürbeteig in einem gefetteten Backblech (36 x 41 cm) ausrollen. Konfitüre erhitzen und gleichmäßig auf dem Teig verstreichen. Mandelmischung esslöffelweise darauf verteilen und glatt streichen.
3. Im vorgeheizten Backofen (E-Herd: 175 °C/ Umluft: 150 °C/ Gas: s. Hersteller) ca. 25 Minuten backen. Kuchen aus dem Ofen nehmen, kurz abkühlen lassen und noch warm in ca. 42 Quadrate schneiden und diese diagonal halbieren. Kuchen auskühlen lassen.
4. Schokolade hacken und über einem warmen Wasserbad schmelzen. Die gegenüberliegenden Ecken der Gebäckstücke mit Schokolade bestreichen und fest werden lassen.


Personenanzahl: 6
Quelle: La Herradura


250g Zucker
250g Mehl
4 Eier
1 Päckchen Soda (el vesubio)
1 Joghurt
1 Jogurtbecher Olivenöl


Eier und Zucker aufschlagen, danach Joghurt und Olivenöl dazu. Mehl unterschlagen.
In Förmchen geben, mit Schokostreuseln bestreuen.
180 Grad 30 Minuten

Macarons mit drei Füllungen

Anmerkung: 40 Stück


1 ¾ cups plus 2 Tbs. Powdered Sugar
1 ¼ cup plus 2 Tbs. almond flour
4 large egg whites, at room temperature
¼ cup granulated sugar


Prepare the Batter:
It is very important to have all your ingredients in place ( literally, put in place the preparation and assembly of ingredients, utensils, pans, plates or serving pieces needed for a particular dish) ready before beginning to make the macarons. First, line 3 flat baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. Second, using a medium-mesh sieve, sift the powdered sugar and almond flour into a large bowl and set aside. Third, in a clean stand mixer using the whisk attachment, whip the egg whites on medium speed until foamy, very soft peaks about 1 to 2 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon of the granulated sugar and continue to whip for another 30 to 45 seconds. Repeat this 3 more times. If adding food coloring do it now and whip until you achieve stiff and glossy peaks. Fourth, with a large rubber spatula, fold in half of the powdered sugar and almond flour mixture to the egg whites. Once it is thoroughly incorporated, fold in the remaining mixture until just combined. Be careful not to over mix. Fifth, using a piping bag fitted with a ½ -to ¾ inch round tip pipe the batter onto the prepared sheet pans in rounds about 1 inch in diameter and ¼ to ½ inch thick, about 1 ½ inches apart. Once all of the macarons have been piped rap the sheet pans against the counter a few times to flatten the rounds and pop any air bubbles. Now, allow the macarons to rest until they are no longer tacky to the touch, about 20 to 30 minutes. Heat the oven to 325 F and position racks in the top and bottom thirds of the oven.

When the macarons are ready to bake place them in the oven and reduce the temperature to 300F. Bake for 8 minutes and then rotate and swap the sheets positions. Continue to bake until cookies are very pale golden, about 15 to 20 minutes total, allow to cool. Meanwhile, bake the third sheet bringing the temperature back up to 325 F and following the same procedures as before.

Once the macarons have cooled completely fill with what ever your heart desires! I used cranberry, apple butter, pear mousse, vanilla butter cream and pumpkin cream to make these dainty little sandwich cookies. These are best eaten the day they are made, but you can store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 day or in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.

How To Make Almond Macarons

Yields 30 sandwich cookies
1 ¾ cups plus 2 Tbs. Powdered Sugar
1 ¼ cup plus 2 Tbs. almond flour
4 large egg whites, at room temperature
¼ cup granulated sugar

Prepare the Batter:

It is very important to have all your ingredients in place ( literally, put in place the preparation and assembly of ingredients, utensils, pans, plates or serving pieces needed for a particular dish) ready before beginning to make the macarons. First, line 3 flat baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. Second, using a medium-mesh sieve, sift the powdered sugar and almond flour into a large bowl and set aside. Third, in a clean stand mixer using the whisk attachment, whip the egg whites on medium speed until foamy, very soft peaks about 1 to 2 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon of the granulated sugar and continue to whip for another 30 to 45 seconds. Repeat this 3 more times. If adding food coloring do it now and whip until you achieve stiff and glossy peaks. Fourth, with a large rubber spatula, fold in half of the powdered sugar and almond flour mixture to the egg whites. Once it is thoroughly incorporated, fold in the remaining mixture until just combined. Be careful not to over mix. Fifth, using a piping bag fitted with a ½ -to ¾ inch round tip pipe the batter onto the prepared sheet pans in rounds about 1 inch in diameter and ¼ to ½ inch thick, about 1 ½ inches apart. Once all of the macarons have been piped rap the sheet pans against the counter a few times to flatten the rounds and pop any air bubbles. Now, allow the macarons to rest until they are no longer tacky to the touch, about 20 to 30 minutes. Heat the oven to 325 F and position racks in the top and bottom thirds of the oven.

When the macarons are ready to bake place them in the oven and reduce the temperature to 300F. Bake for 8 minutes and then rotate and swap the sheets positions. Continue to bake until cookies are very pale golden, about 15 to 20 minutes total, allow to cool. Meanwhile, bake the third sheet bringing the temperature back up to 325 F and following the same procedures as before.

Once the macarons have cooled completely fill with what ever your heart desires! I used cranberry, apple butter, pear mousse, vanilla butter cream and pumpkin cream to make these dainty little sandwich cookies. These are best eaten the day they are made, but you can store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 1 day or in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.

How To Make Pumpkin Cream

Yields 1 pint, enough for 40 small Macarons
3 egg whites
Pinch cream of tartar
1 cup granulated sugar
¼ teaspoon fine sea salt
2 ½ sticks cold unsalted butter, cut into 1-inch cubes
1 cup canned pumpkin puree
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
½ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
¼ teaspoon ground cloves


Put the egg whites and cream of tartar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment.
Bring the sugar and ¼ cup water to a boil in a small saucepan over medium- high heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Attach a candy thermometer to the pan and cook until the mixture reaches 238F (soft ball stage).

While the syrup is cooking, whisk the egg whites at medium speed until they form soft peaks, about 2 minutes. Once the syrup reaches 238F, in a steady stream gradually pour the syrup down the side of bowl, resting the edge of the pan on the edge of the mixer so that the syrup does not hit the whisk attachment and splatter. This process should take about 15 seconds. Whisk the meringue until stiff peaks form and the bowl cools down, about 8 minutes.

Now, add the salt and butter and whisk on high speed until the meringue emulsifies and becomes completely smooth and fluffy, about 8 minutes. Add the pumpkin puree, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves while the mixer is still running and whisk until the butter cream returns to a smooth and fluffy state. It can be kept covered and refrigerated for up to 3 days.

How To Make Apple Butter

1 lb 4 oz Granny Smith apples
2 oz. unsalted butter
6 oz granulated sugar
½ teaspoon salt
4 cinnamon sticks
1 ½ vanilla bean, split and scraped


Coarsely chop the apples into about 8 pieces each place all of the pieces, as well as the seeds, stems, and cores, in a medium saucepot. Dice the butter and add it to the apples. Place the remaining apple butter ingredients in the pot.
Bring the mixture to a boil over high heat, and then turn the heat down to medium low. If the apples begin to scorch, turn the heat down to low, stirring the pot every few minutes to prevent scorching.
Cook until the apples have cooked through and turned brown, about 3 hours. The mixture will look almost like a paste, and there will be no discernable pieces of apple. Remove the vanilla pods.
While the apple butter is still warm, pass it through a ricer. Let the mixture cool to room temperature covered with plastic wrap. Once cool, transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate. It will keep for up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator.

How To Make Pear Mousse

Yields 1 pint, enough for 40 small sandwiched macarons
6 very ripe medium pears, peeled and cored
2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
4 eggs
4 egg yolks
2 cups granulated sugar
1 Tablespoon Grand Marnier
1 ½ sticks unsalted butter, softened
½ cup heavy whipping cream
¼ teaspoon almond extract


Place the pears and lemon juice in a food processor and puree until smooth.
Bring the eggs, yolks, sugar, and pear puree to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium heat, whisking constantly, about 8 minutes. Once it begins to boil, whisk vigorously for about 1 minute on the heat.

Remove from the heat, and add the Grand Marnier, and strain through a fine mesh sieve. Allow the mixture to cool until lukewarm, then pour it back into the food processor, add the butter, and process the mixture until it is smooth and emulsified, about 1 minute. Pour it into a container and let it cool to room temperature, then cover and refrigerate it overnight, until thickened and has a mousse like consistency.

Place the whipping cream in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment, on high-speed whip until stiff peaks form. Add the almond extract. Fold the whipped cream gently into the pear mousse mixture

Macarons Beschreibung - My Perfect Macaron

Anmerkung: 20 Stück


1 cup powdered sugar
¾ cup almond flour
2 egg whites
¼ cup granulated sugar
a drop or two food coloring paste of your choice
½ cup filling of your choice


Line two large baking sheets with parchment paper. Put a master template under the parchment paper or draw about 12 1 ½-inch circles in rows on the paper, about 1 inch apart.

Process powdered sugar and almond flour in a food processor until finely ground. Sift the mixture through a sieve. If there are more than 2 tablespoons of large chunks left in the sieve, grind them and sift again. Set the mixture aside.

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitter with a whisk attachment, beat egg whites at medium speed until frothy. Reduce the speed to low and gradually add the granulated sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time. Increase the speed to high and beat until very stiff peaks form, about 5 minutes.

Sift the almond flour mixture over the egg whites. Using a rubber spatula, gently fold the almond flour mixture into the egg whites until the ingredients are just combined. Add a drop or two of food coloring to tint the batter. Continue to fold the mixture until it has loosened and falls in a ribbon from the spatula.

Fit a pastry bag with a ½-inch round tip and fill the bag with the batter. Using the template as a guide, pipe circles onto the parchment papers.

Tap the bottom of each sheet on the work surface to release trapped air bubbles. Let the cookies stand at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. This allows the cookies to develop their crusts.

Preheat oven to 325F. Bake the macarons for 10 to 12 minutes, until set but not browned.

Transfer the baking sheets to wire racks and let the macarons to cool completely on the pans. Once cooled, gently lift half of the cookies from the parchment paper and turn them upside down.

Spoon or pipe a teaspoon of filling onto each of the upside-down cookies. Top with the remaining cookies.

I mentioned that I was never a huge fan of macarons. However I’ve been making a lot for my clients lately, and I’ve started to figure out what makes these delicate cookies so special – each bite is a perfect combination of texture and taste. Crispy, chewy and creamy. All come in one bite.

I’ve heard stories about macarons failure that the whole batch came to a waste. The shells are cracked, have no “feet”, not smooth, dull colored……It seems like so much can go wrong. My experience in making a successful batch is nothing bible. In my opinion, making macarons is not extremely intimating, it’s about a bit of special care and attention. And I would like to share some of my tips.

Weather/Humidity – Try to pick a sunny day with low humidity to make your macarons. Otherwise, let your macrons to dry at least an hour longer before baking, especially on a rainy or very humid day.

Master Circle Template – I don’t enjoy drawing tons of circles each time when I make my macarons. So I traced circles on a parchment paper and use it as a master template, place it under each parchment paper that I am going to pipe the shells on, and pipe to the outline. Just bake your macarons with that master paper, you don’t have to take it away. It may ruin your still runny shells.

Silicon Mat V.S. Parchment Paper – I use parchment paper because personally I find that silicon mat seems to stick to the macaron shells more easily. Plus I can always re-use the same parchment paper.

Egg Whites – I don’t bring the egg whites to room temperature. Meaning they go straight from the refrigerator to the mixer, and the batter turns out fine.

Almond Flour – My almond flour is kept in the freezer. Same as the egg whites, it goes straight from the freezer to the food processor. As long as you grind your almond flour with enough powdered sugar, it will never turn into paste. It is important to sift the almond flour mixture after you grind it. And make sure the leftover in the sieve is no more than 2 tablespoons.

Granulated Sugar – You could use extra fine sugar to make the meringue, or grind the regular granulated sugar in a food processor to make it finer. However, I don’t find a huge difference compared to simply using regular granulated sugar. If you happen to have a jar of vanilla-scented sugar (put a used vanilla bean into the sugar), don’t use that. The oil from the vanilla bean will deflat the egg whites.

Flavor – I don’t normally flavor the shells. Unless the flavor of the shell matches the flavor of the filling, otherwise one flavor tends to overpower the other. I bake my basic macaron shells and go crazy with the endless choice of fillings. Buttercream, ganache, caramel, lemon curd, marmalade……Now because there is so much sugar in the cookies, and the sugar is necessary to create the right texture to macaron, I tend to lower the sweetness of the filling to balance the flavor. For buttercream, I normally put a little more salt too.

Color – I use coloring paste to add color to the shells. Only a drop or two will do the work, and it won’t loosen the batter. I add color when everything is mixed, not at the meringue level. The advantage of this step is you can divide the batter into 2 or 3 batches and create different colors for each batch.

Pointy Shell – When piping the macarons, if they end up with a point, you can use a wet finger to smooth them down.

Resting – The shell must rest enough to a point where they are dry to touch before baking. The best way to test it is to touch the surface of the shell with your finger. If it’s not sticky, and you are able to glide your finger on it, it’s good to go.

Sandwich the Filling – Because the shells are very delicate and crispy, it’s easy to crush them while sandwiching the filling. I don’t press the two shells together. Instead I hold the edge of the shells and “mush” them closer.

Macarons Basic

Quelle: Martha Stewart
Anmerkung: 20 bis 25 Stück


2/3 cup sliced blanched almonds (71 grams)
1 cup confectioners' sugar (117 grams)
2 large egg whites, room temperature
¼ cup granulated sugar (53 grams)
Jam or other filling


Preheat oven to 350 degrees with rack in lower third. Place almonds in a food processor; process until as fine as possible, about 1 minute. Add confectioners' sugar; process until combined, about 1 minute.

Pass almond mixture through a fine-mesh sieve. Transfer solids in sieve to food processor; grind and sift again, pressing down on clumps. Repeat until less than 2 tablespoons of solids remains in sieve.

Whisk egg whites and granulated sugar by hand to combine. Beat on medium speed (4 on a KitchenAid) 2 minutes. Increase speed to medium-high (6) and beat 2 minutes. Then beat on high (8) 2 minutes more.

The beaten egg whites will hold stiff, glossy peaks when you lift the whisk out of the bowl. Add flavoring and food coloring, if desired, and beat on highest speed 30 seconds.

Add dry ingredients all at once. Fold with a spatula from bottom of bowl upward, then press flat side of spatula firmly through middle of mixture. Repeat just until batter flows like lava, 35 to 40 complete strokes.

Rest a pastry bag fitted with a ⅜-inch round tip (Ateco #804) inside a glass. Transfer batter to bag; secure top. Dab some batter remaining in bowl onto corners of 2 heavy baking sheets; line with parchment.

With piping tip ½ inch above sheet, pipe batter into a ¾-inch round, then swirl tip off to one side. Repeat, spacing rounds 1 inch apart. Tap sheets firmly against counter 2 or 3 times to release air bubbles.

Bake 1 sheet at a time, rotating halfway through, until risen and just set, 13 minutes. Let cool. Pipe or spread filling on flat sides of half of cookies; top with remaining half. Wrap in plastic and refrigerate.


Anmerkung: 30 Stück


130 g gemahlene Mandeln geschält
150 g Puderzucker
50 g Zucker, fein
100 g Eiweiß, ca. 3 Stück,
Farbpaste nach Belieben

100 g Zartbitter Schokolade
100 g Sahne


Mandeln und Puderzucker in den Mixtopf geben und 10 Sek. / Stufe 10 mahlen.
Umfüllen, Topf spülen, gut trocknen.
Rühraufsatz einsetzen.
Eiweisse in den Mixtopf geben und 4 Min. / Stufe 3,5 steif schlagen.Alles mit dem Spatel vom Rand runterschieben.
Zucker hinzugeben und nochmal 3 Min. / Stufe 3,5 schlagen.
Während dieser Zeit nach Wunsch Paste zum Färben hinzugeben.
Eiweiß mit einem Teigschaber nun unter das Mandel-Gemisch geben und in einen Spritzbeutel mit Lochtülle füllen.
Die Masse sollte nicht zu dünn und nicht zu fest sein.
Auf ein Backblech kleine Kreise spritzen und für 20-30 Minuten ruhen lassen.
Backofen auf 150° O/U-Hitze vorheizen.

Nach der Ruhezeit das Blech in den Ofen schieben und ca. 14 Minuten backen.Die Macaron-Schalen mit dem Backpapier vom Blech ziehen und abkühlen lassen.

Für die Ganche-Füllung die Schokolade in den Mixtopf geben und 10 Sek. / Stufe 8 zerkleinern.
Sahne hinzugeben und 3 Min. / 100° / Stufe 2 erwärmen.
Die Ganache nun min. 1 Stunde in den Kühlschrank stellen. Sie wird dicklich, cremig.
Nach der Kühlzeit kurz mit einem Schneebesen aufschlagen.

Die Creme auf eine Macaron Schale spritzen und eine 2. Schale draufsetzen.


Quelle: Jamie Oliver


400 g Butternutkürbis
400 g brauer Zucker
4 Eier
1 Pr. Salz
2 geh. TL Backpulver
1 TL Zimt
200 g Walmüsse
175 ml Olivenöl


Zutaten für den Teig im Mixer mischen. Teig in Muffinformen ¾ hoch füllen und bei 180 Grad im vorgeheizten Ofen ca. 20 Min. backen.

Kürbisküchlein (Bunelos)

Quelle: La Herradura


1 Butternutkürbis (800- 900 g Fruchtfleisch)
etwas Zucker
1 Eßl. Backpulver
250 g Mehl
250 g Zucker
Sonnenblumenöl zum Frittieren


Fruchtfleisch in grobe Stücke schneiden, mit etwas Zucker und wenig Wasser ca. 20-25 Min. weichkochen.

In einer Schüssel grob pürrieren, die restlichen Zutaten mit etwas Wasser zufügen und zu einem zähflüssigen Teig verarbeiten.
Teig abdecken und ruhen lassen.

Öl in einer großen flachen Pfanne erhitzen. Vom Teig esslöffelgroße Stücke ins heiße Öl geben und goldbraun ausbacken. Nach Belieben in Zucker wälzen oder mit Puderzucker bestäuben.

Frisch essen!!!


Personenanzahl: 12
Quelle: Essen und Trinken


100 g Walnusskerne
270 g Mehl
1 Pk. Backpulver
1 Msp. Zimtpulver
300 g Butternusskürbispüree, von 1 Butternusskürbis (600 g, längs halbiert)
100 ml Buttermilch
100 g weiche Butter
170 g brauner Zucker
½ Tl Salz
3 Eier , (Kl. M)
75 g getrocknete Cranberrys
200 g Frischkäse
150 g Magerquark
2 El Puderzucker brauner Zucker


1. Für das Püree Kürbis mit einem Esslöffel entkernen und auf ein Backblech setzen. Im heißen Ofen bei 200 Grad (Umluft 180 Grad) auf der mittleren Schiene 45-60 Min. backen, bis das Kürbisfleisch weich ist. Kürbis aus dem Ofen nehmen und abkühlen lassen. Das Kürbisfleisch am besten mit einem Esslöffel von der Schale kratzen. Kürbisfleisch in ein hohes Gefäß geben und mit dem Schneidstab fein pürieren.

2. 100 g Walnusskerne grob hacken. Die Mulden eines Muffinblechs gut mit Butter fetten, 2/3 der Walnüsse hineinstreuen. 270 g Mehl, 1 Pk. Backpulver und 1 Msp. Zimtpulver mischen. 300 g Butternusskürbispüree mit 100 ml Buttermilch verrühren.

3. 100 g weiche Butter, 170 g braunen Zucker und ½ Tl Salz in einer Schüssel mit den Quirlen des Handrührers mind. 5 Min. schaumig schlagen. 3 Eier (Kl. M) nacheinander zugeben und jeweils ½ Min. unterrühren. Mehlmischung abwechselnd mit der Kürbismischung auf kleinster Stufe unterrühren. 75 g getrocknete Cranberrys unterheben.

4. Teig in die Mulden des Muffinblechs füllen und auf einem Rost im heißen Ofen bei 180 Grad (Umluft 160 Grad) in der Ofenmitte 30 Min. backen. Danach auf einem Kuchengitter erst 20 Min. in der Form ruhen lassen, dann stürzen und vollständig abkühlen lassen.

5. 200 g Frischkäse, 150 g Magerquark und 2 El Puderzucker mit den Quirlen des Handrührers cremig schlagen. In einen Spritzbeutel mit Sterntülle füllen und auf die gestürzten Küchlein spritzen. Mit etwas braunem Zucker bestreut servieren.

35 min
plus Back- und Kühlzeit 1:30 Stunden
pro Portion
382 kcal
10 g Eiweiß
20 g Fett
40 g KH

Lemon Cream Pie Ice Cream Bars

A frozen twist of a Lemon Cream Pie made into ice cream bars with layers of vanilla & lemon sorbet with a crumbled Golden Oreo topping & no-bake cookie crust.
Yields: 12 - 16 bars


Oreo Cookie Crust
22 Golden Oreo cookies (or any Vanilla Creme Sandwich Cookies), crushed with the cream filling (about 2 cups)
***(Can also use Lemon Oreos or any other lemon sandwich cookie)
4-5 tablespoons butter, melted
Juice and Zest from 1 lemon (leave out if using lemon flavored cookies)

4½ - 5 cups of your favorite Vanilla Ice Cream (homemade or store-bought)
2½ cups of Lemon Sorbett (homemade or store-bought)***

Crumbled Topping
12 Golden Oreo cookies, crushed (can also use Lemon Oreos or other lemon sandwich cookies)
1½ tablespoons butter, softened
Zest and Juice from 1 lemon (leave out if using lemon flavored cookies)


Line an 8 x 8 square baking dish with parchment or wax paper leaving an overhang for easier removal of the bars. Set aside.
Make the cookie crust - In a medium-sized bowl or a food processor, add the whole Oreo cookies (no need to remove cream filling) and pulse into fine crumbs. Add the melted butter, lemon juice and zest and blend until well combined. Press mixture into the bottom of lined baking dish. Place in freezer to set for about 1 hour to set.
Make the crumbled topping - In a small bowl or the food processor, add the Oreo cookies and pulse into large crumbs. Add the lemon juice, lemon zest, softened butter and mix gently with a fork or your hands to make pea-sized pieces stick together. Set aside in the fridge.
Assemble - Remove vanilla ice cream and lemon sorbet from freezer to soften. When ready, scoop around 2 cups of vanilla ice cream over the cookie crust and spread evenly using an offset spatula.
Place pan in freezer to harden slightly (about 10 - 20 minutes).
Next, spread the sorbet over the vanilla ice cream layer evenly. Again, place pan in freezer for 10 minutes if needed. Add the final layer of vanilla ice cream spreading evenly.
Remove the cookie crumbs from the fridge and crumble evenly over the bars. Place in the freezer for 3-4 hours or overnight.
Lift out of pan using the parchment paper overhang . Using a sharp knife, cut into square rectangles. Store bars in freezer until ready to serve.

Source: Life Made Sweeter

Sex in a Pan

Sex in a Pan – crazy name for a dessert, but it’s one of the best desserts you’ll ever have, it’s mostly a pudding dessert with a crunchy pecan bottom crust.


Serves: 10 servings

Crust1 cup pecans, chopped 
3 tbsp white sugar 
½ cup butter 
1 cup flour
Cream cheese layer1 8 oz package cream cheese 
1 cup powdered sugar (use ½ cup for less sweetness) 
1 cup whipped cream or cool whip
Vanilla pudding1 package of instant vanilla pudding (5.1 oz or 144 g)
 3 cups milk (use 2 cups if you want a firmer pudding)
Chocolate Pudding1 package of instant chocolate pudding (5.1 oz or 144 g)
 3 cups milk (use 2 cups if you want a firmer pudding)
Last layer2 cups whipped cream or cool whip 
shaved chocolate
Preheat oven to 350 F degrees.
Spray a 9x13 inch baking dish with cooking spray.
In a mixer mix all the crust ingredients together and press the mixture into the prepared baking dish.
Bake it for about 20 minutes.
Prepare the vanilla pudding as per the instructions on the package.
Prepare the chocolate pudding as per the instructions on the package.
In a mixer add the cream cheese, powdered sugar and the cup of whipped cream. Mix until light and fluffy.
Let the crust cool. Spread the cream cheese mixture over the crust evenly. Spread the chocolate pudding over the cream cheese, then the vanilla pudding. Top with the whipped cream and sprinkle with the chocolate.
Refrigerate for a couple hours so that it sets.

Flan de queso rápido (sin horno) - Schneller Käseflan (ohne Ofen)

Para hacer un buen flan casero, con sus agujeritos, hace falta tiempo del que a veces no disponemos, pero tenemos otras alternativas como es el caso de este flan rápido de queso. Para prepararlo sólo se necesitan 10 minutos y al frigorífico. Tiene un sabor suave que gustará a todos, desde los pequeños a los mayores de la casa… claro! siempre que guste el queso. Aunque yo diría que si no se sabe que lleva queso no se aprecia.

Tiempo de preparación: 10 minutos.
Tiempo de reposo en frigorífico: 3-4 horas.

500 g. nata.
250 g. queso cremoso (tipo Philadelphia).
130 g. azúcar.
200 g. leche.
2 sobres de preparado para cuajada.
Caramelo líquido.

Poner en el vaso todos los ingredientes menos el caramelo y las galletas (8 min. 90º V3).
Caramelizar un molde tipo plum cake (1,5 l. de capacidad).
Verter el contenido del vaso en el molde y colocar galletas encima (Al desmoldarlo quedarán las galletas como base). Dejar que se enfríe y refrigerar 3 ó 4 horas antes de desmoldar.

SUGERENCIA: También se puede preparar este postre en moldes individuales.

Liqueur Filled Ice Cream Truffles

BY Luisa Farelo-Hayes
A kiss of chocolate with a hint of liquer - perfect for a cool festive dessert.

Makes : 12 
Vanilla Ice Cream 

a tub of good quality vanilla ice cream

1 ml vanilla extract

Ice Cream Truffles

200 g dark chocolate, melted

liqueur of your choice (caramel vodka, peppermint liqueur, Amarula Cream)

250 ml homemade vanilla ice cream (we made ours in the Zoku Ice Cream Maker) 

To Serve

edible gold dust

Ice Cream Truffles

Melt the chocolate slowly in the microwave, or in a baine-marie.

Using a small kitchen paintbrush, paint the inside of the silicon chocolate moulds in a silicone chocolate mould tray with a little melted chocolate and freeze for 10 minutes.

Remove from freezer and repeat with a second layer of melted chocolate, ensuring that the moulds are well coated. Freeze again for a couple of minutes until completely set.

Remove from freezer and add a dash of liqueur to the chocolate moulds and top with a teaspoonful of vanilla ice cream. Return to the freezer again for a couple of minutes.

Once frozen, seal with a little more melted chocolate and then return to the freezer until ready to serve.

Eggless No Bake Mango Cheesecake - Mango Käsekuchen

Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 10-12


For the base: 

Digestive biscuits - 250 gms, finely crumbled
Butter - 100 gms, melted (I used unsalted butter) 

For the filling:

 Philadelphia full fat cream cheese - 340 gms/ 12 oz (refer notes for substitute)
Whipping cream - 250 ml (1 cup approx)
Mango pulp - 1½ cup 
Mango - 1-2, cut into small bite size pieces (optional)
Gelatine - 1 tbsp/10 gms
Hot water - ½ cupicing 
sugar - 2-3 tbsp
Sugar - ⅓-1/2 cup (refer notes)

For glaze topping :

Mango pulp - 1 cupGelatine - 1 tbsp/10 gmsHot water - ½ cup


For the base:

Combine the finely crumbled biscuits and melted butter. Press this mixture to a loose bottom tin or the dish you are using. Refrigerate it while you make the rest of the cheesecake.

For the filling:

Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Whip the whipping cream with 2-3 tbsp icing sugar, till soft-medium peaks form. Combine the cream cheese and sugar, till it becomes smooth. Combine the mango puree and warm gelatine mixture. Add this to the cream cheese mixture. Mix well. Add the whipping cream to this in two batches and combine well. Add the mango pieces (if using) and mix well. Pour this mixture over the biscuit base and return it to the fridge. Make sure that this layer is refrigerated for a minimum of 2 hours, before adding the glaze topping.

For the glaze topping: 

Dissolve the gelatine in hot water. When it is warm, add it to mango puree and mix well. Pour this over the cream layer, once it is set. Refrigerate for another 2 hours or till you serve. Garnish with strawberry/ mint leaves.Keep @ room temp 10 mins before serving, so that the biscuit layer softens a bit.You can store in the fridge for 3-4 days. 

If you are using a single loose bottom tin, I think you will need a 9 or 10 inch loose bottom tin. I got 12 mini cheese cakes, 6 cheesecakes in glass and a 6 inch round cheese cake from the above qty. You can serve it in individual glasses also. The biscuit layer should be refrigerated for a minimum of 10 mins, before pouring the cheese layer on top. For those of you reside in India, I think you can use Amul cheese spread to make this. If you cant find the same, please check out this link to see how you can make it at home: The qty of sugar depends on the level of sweetness you want. I used ⅓ cup of sugar. Do a taste test and adjust the qty accordingly. I used canned mango pulp. Though I've used gelatine in this recipe, I think you can substitute it with same qty china grass/agar agar.